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Beth H. Macy

Beth is evenly right brained and left brained and has tested as “cerebral.” She comes from a family of artists. She has had a career as a Mathematics teacher, an officer in the US Navy, Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, a programmer, an artist, a videographer, and an author.

Beth has been a successful consultant in the high technology sector, having worked for such companies as Lotus Development, Apple Computer and IBM. She is a talented artist with her works in collections from New York to Australia. Beth's creativity extends into many areas: writing, videography, stained glass, oil painting and acrylics. Beth is focusing on her creativity as she transitions into her next stage of life.
Beth has always wanted to write a spy novel that has a greater degree of humanity than many currently in the market. She has succeeded with Moscow Nights Return and this sequel, Moscow Misdirection, by bringing forth a collection of realistic, complex individuals. Beth, through her years as a therapist, her background in the Navy, her work with corporations, her extensive travel, and her eclectic background, brings us into the book and the lives of the characters within. Beth will continue writing and already has finished the third book in this series, Moscow Madness.
Beth states: “As an artist, I like to bring to life the world around me, whether it be through the visual arts or the written word. It is my hope that my books help bring joy and greater vision to others.”